Begun in 2002, Composing Kids (CK) is an educational, innovative and interactive music program hosted by the CSO. During a 22-week period, fifth and sixth grade band students from one of Cape Cods partner school districts compose an approximately 7-minute long mini-symphony. The children work with the CSO Education Coordinator as well as music teachers from the partner school who instruct the students with the help of state-of-the-art computer software. Students learn a myriad of information about symphonic music and composition including melodies, harmonies, rhythm, tempo, texture, motifs and orchestration. The symphony is then performed at the CSOs Young Peoples Concert the following spring.
Since its inception, Composing Kids has been funded by the Brabson Library and
Education Foundation of Falmouth, MA
Click here to hear Planet of the Evil Cream Cheese written by students at the Barnstable Horace Mann Charter School and performed by the Cape Symphony Orchestra for more than 2,000 Cape and Islands schoolchildren on April 13, 2004.
For a brief review of Composing Kids 2003, visit